
1. Im an Aquarius (我是水瓶座的女孩)

2. My family is made of 4 girls with my Dad n My Mum. (我的家里有爸媽加上兩個姐姐一個妹妹)

3. Im the third child in the family(我排第三)

4. I seriously prefer Chinese(我真的比較喜歡使用華文)

5. I want to experience how living in Taiwan is like so this Dec Holiday is my chance ^_^ (我很想體驗生活在臺灣的感覺,所以十二月假期就是我的機會!)

6. It is damn easy to make me laugh n cry.. damn freaky easy like just a movie i can cry like there is no end to it (其實讓我笑或哭,很容易。真的!真的很容易,就單單看一部電影就可以哭的稀里嘩啦)

7. I really really love guitar n hopefully one day I can play very well for guitar especially electric guitar (我真的真的很愛吉他也希望有一天我能彈吉他到很好的地步,尤其是電吉他!)

8. Im a fan of D.C.W. 東城衛 but apparently they are gonna form a new band group but who cares im still supporting the two brothers XD (我是個衛星,東城衛的粉絲,但他們現在組合了新的樂團。但是呢,誰管得着呢?我照樣會支持陳家兩兄弟!XD)

9. I have no interest in Maths already but in designing n art n music (我不再對數學有興趣了,反而是在設計,美術和音樂上)

10. I really love night time especially pass Mid Night (我真的很愛夜晚,尤其是凌晨的時候)

11. I have awesome friends n clique n I really cherish the time I have with them (我有很棒的朋友,朋黨,而且我很珍惜與她們在一起的時光)

12. I like taking photo of nature n all those random things like the photo above. Its kinda inspirational to me (我很喜歡拍照,拍大自然和一些奇奇怪怪的東西如同以上的照片。對我來説,這些照片很有靈感。)

13. I like things with meanings, especially songs (我很喜歡有意義的事情,尤其是歌曲歌詞)

14. I find guys who knows how to play guitar damn well is damn cool n awesome.. well it is not easy to play guitar or any other instrument that well u need passion n determination (我覺得那些很會彈吉他的男生很酷很棒很帥!想想,能彈好吉他或任何樂器真的很不容易,你需要熱情和堅持啊)

15. I like living in my own world so it is not surprising to see me drift off (我很喜歡活在自己的世界,所以并不奇特發現我在發白日夢或心不在焉)

16. I dun see a point in doing something u dun like since its like meaningless, may as well do something u enjoy doing.. (我真的覺得做一個你不喜歡的東西真的很沒有意義,你倒不如做一個你喜歡的東西)

17. Im being honest as much as i can so i usually kinda straight to the point (dun get offended) (我盡量對人很誠實,所以説話都是一針見血,請別被我冒犯。)

18. There is so much of me people dun really know well... arent everyone like this too? Cos im different with different ppl im with.. (我還有很多方面別人是不知道的,但不是每個人都是這樣嗎?因爲在不同人的面前,我有不同的對待方式。)

19. I love drawing n music since it is something i enjoy since young n think it is a form of expressing myself (我很愛畫畫和音樂,因爲那是我從小到大一直以來喜歡以及享受的東西,也覺得是一種表達自我的方式)

20. I seems to have a habit to hide negative feelings inside that sometimes i dun even know till it just burst out all of a sudden...  (我貌似有個把負面的情緒藏在心里的深處的習慣,有時我都不知道它的存在直到有一天它突然爆發)


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